
Runner's World In Print

"The Complete Guide to Crushing Your First Marathon" Everything you need to know to train smart, nail your fuel, and smash through “the wall”

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Fit and Healthy Athlete Podcast with Dr. K

Strength is resiliency, stability and power. It’s all the things that you need to get through your stride. And if we think about the biochemical forces in our body, with running, they are huge. We can build some strength through running, the cardiovascular gains tend to happen faster than our muscular fitness gains.

Tune into learn more about what Dr. K and I think about strength training for runners.

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Lace Up and Listen Podcast

"Improving Your Running (Without Running More)" We chat about how new mums can optimize their training to become more efficient and stronger runners, by focusing less on running and more on specific strength training exercises to rebuild key muscle groups needed for running. We also discuss what a typical training week could look like, in particular for busy mums looking to get back into running and staying strong.

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Runner's World Online

"Why the Gluteus Medius Muscle Deserves More of Your Attention During Strength Workouts"  ā€‹Regain stability and fix your form with five run-specific exercises that strengthen the lesser-known muscle of your backside.

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SHAPE Magazine

Carving out time for exercise can be difficult. Careers, family duties, social schedules, and numerous other obligations can easily get in the way. But no one knows the struggle better than busy moms. From sunup to sundown, moms are at a "free time" disadvantage, so making time for themselves, let alone a workout can feel impossible. As a busy mom myself I know that doing whatever it takes to stay active—even if that means squeezing in lunges or push-ups wherever and whenever.

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Stop looking at health and fitness as on more thing to add to your to do list and learn to integrate into your life.

The first step to crushing the overwhelm is to change the way we think about self care.
Health and fitness doesn’t have to be something we do on top of being a mom, it’s doesn’t feel separate from being a mom, it can be PART of it….and a really important part of it!

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Little Black Dress Little Red Wagon Magazine

As busy women, we crave fitness, but finding an effective, affordable, consistent, REALISTIC plan has proven elusive. We think you can likely relate. So, we are very excited to introduce you to Alison Marie, founder of Living Room Workout Club. This chicka’s gonna rock your world.
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Hand On As We Grow

ā€‹It’s not just about getting in a workout and burning off their seemingly limitless energy. It’s about modeling behaviors, actively showing your children your health is important to you and creating an environment that supports that together.
To get you started, I’ve put together fun ways to burn off extra energy as a family.

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