Episode 22 - Solving IT Band Pain: The Role of Glute Strength and Efficient Loading in Running
Jan 14, 2025Episode Summary:
In this episode, Alison discusses IT band issues in runners, emphasizing that these problems are often caused by strength and stability imbalances rather than tightness in the IT band itself. She explains that foam rolling and stretching, while helpful in the short term, do not provide long-term relief. The key to addressing IT band issues is learning to load through the glutes and achieving proper internal rotation and alignment during running. Alison also introduces her "Glute Accelerator" course, which teaches runners how to strengthen and better utilize their glutes, integrate the kinetic chain, and improve overall running mechanics.
Key Takeaways:
- IT Band Issues and Their Root Cause: IT band problems are primarily linked to strength and stability issues, not tightness in the IT band itself. The real cause is often inefficient loading during the stance phase of running.
- Role of Foam Rolling and Stretching: While foam rolling and stretching can provide temporary relief, they don't address the long-term causes of IT band pain. Foam rolling specifically stimulates the nervous system but doesn't truly break up fascia or relax muscles.
- The Importance of Loading Through the Glutes: Proper loading through the glutes, especially through eccentric loading (lengthening) during mid-stance, is essential for efficient force generation and to prevent compensatory movements that can lead to IT band issues.
- Pelvic Position and Compensatory Movements: An anterior pelvic tilt often results in the TFL (hip flexor) compensating for internal rotation. This leads to inefficient movement patterns, which can affect the entire kinetic chain and contribute to IT band discomfort.
Time Stamps:
[00:00] - Introduction to IT Band Issues
[06:13] - Understanding IT Band and the Root Causes of Pain
[14:38] - The Role of Glutes and Internal Rotation
[17:53] - Glute Accelerator Course Introduction
[18:03] - Summary and Key Takeaways
Resources Mentioned:
- Glute Accelerator: A FREE 7 Day Crash Course on Building Strong Glutes for Female Runners (new and improved beginning January 27th).
- On IT Band Misconceptions: "The IT band is getting blamed for so much that's really, like, not its fault at all. It is influenced by the position of the pelvis or the activity of the TFL and other muscles around the knee that are what are resulting in your symptoms."
- On Glute Strength and Loading: "To be able to load into mid stance, we need to be able to internally rotate and organize our center of mass over our stance leg... This length is not the same as stretching. It's eccentric loading as the muscle is lengthening."
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